Asheville Glass Company

How Can I Prepare for a Glass Installation by Asheville Glass Company?

McDowell Glass, the premier glass installation service in Asheville, offers expert tips on preparing for your upcoming glass installation project. Whether you’re upgrading your home or renovating your office space, proper preparation ensures a smooth and successful installation process. Here’s everything you need to know to get ready:

Understanding Asheville Glass Company

Assess Your Needs and Goals

Before scheduling your glass installation with Asheville Glass Company, take some time to assess your needs and goals. Consider the purpose of the glass – whether it’s for aesthetic enhancement, functionality, or both. Determine the type of glass you require: from clear, textured, or tinted options for windows to durable tempered glass for shower enclosures or tabletops. Understanding your objectives will help us recommend the best solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

Schedule a Consultation

Once you have a clear idea of what you need, schedule a consultation with McDowell Glass. Our experienced team will visit your location to assess the installation site, take precise measurements, and discuss design options with you. This consultation is crucial as it allows us to understand your vision, address any concerns, and provide expert recommendations based on our extensive knowledge of glass installations in Asheville.

Prepare the Installation Site

Before our team arrives for the installation, ensure that the site is ready. Clear any obstacles or furniture that may obstruct access to the installation area. For window installations, remove curtains, blinds, or any window treatments to allow for easy access. If we are installing glass in a bathroom or kitchen, clear out personal items to provide our installers with ample space to work efficiently.

Ensure Accessibility

Accessibility is key to a smooth installation process. Make sure that Asheville Glass Company technicians can easily access the installation site. Clear pathways and remove any barriers that could hinder the movement of large glass panels or equipment. This not only facilitates our work but also minimizes the risk of accidents during the installation process.

Secure Pets and Children

For safety reasons, it’s important to secure pets and keep children away from the installation area during the glass installation process. Even the most well-behaved pets and curious children can inadvertently disrupt our work or put themselves at risk. Consider confining pets to a separate area of your home and arranging for childcare if necessary to ensure a distraction-free environment for our installers.

Communicate Any Special Requirements

If you have any special requirements or considerations regarding the installation, communicate them clearly to McDowell Glass before the scheduled installation date. Whether it’s specific time constraints, concerns about noise levels, or preferences for certain installation techniques, we are here to accommodate your needs to the best of our ability. Clear communication helps us deliver a tailored experience that meets your expectations.

Prepare for Post-Installation Care

After the installation is complete, McDowell Glass will provide you with care instructions to ensure the longevity and beauty of your new glass installations. Depending on the type of glass and its intended use, these instructions may include cleaning tips, maintenance guidelines, and recommendations for products that help preserve the clarity and integrity of the glass.


Preparing for a glass installation by McDowell Glass in Asheville involves thoughtful planning and communication. By assessing your needs, scheduling a consultation, preparing the installation site, ensuring accessibility, securing pets and children, communicating special requirements, and preparing for post-installation care, you can help facilitate a seamless installation process. McDowell Glass is committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring your complete satisfaction with every glass installation project. Get ready to transform your space with our expert glass solutions tailored to meet your unique requirements.