The New Seven Wonders of the World

Travel Guide: Visiting The New Seven Wonders of the World

People around the world chose the New Seven Wonders of the World in a global vote conducted by the New7Wonders Foundation in 2007. These sites represent magnificent constructions and brilliant designs by man across centuries and continents. This guide will walk you through travel tips and advice, with suggested itineraries alongside some must-see highlights from each wonder.

The Great Wall of China: A Majestic Trip into History

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China spanned over 13,000 miles and took several hundred years to build. It was built to safeguard against possible invasions, but now it’s a structure symbolizing China’s lasting power.

Best Time to Visit and Essential Travel Tips

Spring (April – June) and Autumn (Sept – Nov) are the seasons providing the most suitable conditions for visiting. National holidays should be avoided to miss the crowd. Sturdy walking shoes should be worn as steps are uneven and climb steep.

Suggested Itineraries and Key Areas of Interest

  • One day trip : Visit the Badaling section, which is the most accessible and best-preserved.
  • Two-day trip: Pair Mutianyu—fewer crowds and better views—with Jiankou for a more rugged experience.

Can’t Miss Highlights

  • Badaling: Most accessible with reconstructed sections.
  • Mutianyu: Beautiful view and fewer tourists.
  • Jiankou: Renowned for wild and steep land.

Petra, Jordan: Discovering the Rose City

Petra Jordan

Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage site, was the capital of the Nabataean Kingdom. The Rose City earns its name from its rose-tinted hue, boasting world-famous rock-cut architecture and a water conduit system.

Travel Tips for Visiting Petra

Petra is best visited in the springtime, from March to May, or in autumn, from September to November. A Jordan Pass should be purchased to include the visa and entrance fees. Get a guide to have a better understanding of the detailed history of the place.

Suggested Itineraries for Various Lengths of Stays

  • One-day excursion: strongly emphasize the Treasury and the Siq. Two-day visit: Combine the Monastery with the High Place of Sacrifice.

See the Sights

  • The Treasury: Iconic and breathtaking frontage.
  • Monastery: It is more significant and closer to the periphery than the Treasury.
  • The Siq: A narrow gorge leads the way to the Treasury.

Christ the Redeemer, Brazil: Iconic Symbol of Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer

The statue of the Redeemer of Christ, placed at the top of Corcovado Mountain, became a symbol of peace and one of the most important Catholic religious sites for the faithful.

Good Time to Go and Important Travel Information

The best light, with fewer people—the recommendation is to visit in the morning or toward the evening. You can get there by using the official van service, and for the most accessible access, you can take the Corcovado Train.

Itinerary for a Day Trip to the Statue

  • Morning: Take the train to Corcovado Mountain.
  • From Mid-day forward: Visit the statue and live the panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Afternoon: Walk in the wonderful Tijuca National.

Must-See Highlights

  • Corcovado Mountain: There are views across the city.
  • Tijuca National Park: One of the most extensive urban forests in the world.

Machu Picchu, Peru: The Discovery of the Lost City of the Incas

hiker on the Inca Trail with Machu Picchu in the background

Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu in 1911, establishing it as one of the most well-preserved archaeological sites, an ancient Incan city set high in the Andes Mountains.

Essential Travel Tips

Prepare several months ahead; you must make reservations for your tickets and permits well in advance, especially those for the Inca Trail. Pick the dry season—May through October—for ideal trekking conditions.

Sample Itinerary of Trekking and Train Routes

  • Day trip: Take the train to Aguas Calientes.
  • Multiday trek: Hike the Inca Trail for a closer experience.

Must-See Highlights

  • Intihuatana Stone: An ancient sun clock.
  • Temple of the Sun: Beautiful view from the overlook.
  • Sun Gate: This gives a stupendous entry to the Machu Picchu.

Chichen Itza, Mexico: A Glimpse of the Mayan Civilization

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is one of the great Mayan cities, featuring one of the world’s new seven wonders —the step pyramid El Castillo. The site remains one of the quintessential testaments to the architectural and astronomical achievements of the Mayan Toltec civilization.

Useful Travel Tips When Visiting

Visit in the early morning to avoid heat and crowds. Hire a guide for a better understanding of the site’s history and significance.

Itinerary for One-day Visitor

  • Morning: Start with El Castillo.
  • Noon: Visit the Great Ball Court.
  • Afternoon: Go to the Temple of the Warriors and the Sacred Cenote.

Read Also: Top 5 Travel Destinations You Can Explore Without a Visa

Must See Highlights

  • El Castillo: Pyramid that’s made as a calendar.
  • Great Ball Court: The grandest and most impressive in Mesoamerica.
  • Temple of the Warriors: Here there are chiseled colonnades standing in a row.

The Roman Colosseum, Italy: Echoes of Ancient Rome

The Roman Colosseum

The Romans exhibited bloody gladiatorial contests and public shows in the ancient amphitheater, the Roman Colosseum. Imperial Rome left it as a monument of constructional skill.

Best Visiting Times and how to Avoid the Crowds

Go earlier in the morning or late in the afternoon. Buy a skip-the-line ticket online to reduce the time.

The Suggested Itinerary for Inclusive Visitation

  • Morning: Entrance inside the Colosseum, including the Arena floor.
  • Noon: Visiting underground levels.
  • Afternoon: Explore the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill.

Must-See Highlights

  • Arena Floor: The stage in the middle for gladiatorial contests.
  • Subterranean  : Where wild animals and gladiators were held.
  • Roman Forum: Central square in ancient Rome. Next to the Colosseum.

The Taj Mahal, India – Manifestation of Love and Beauty

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a creation of Mughal architecture, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It is supposed to be an icon of eternal love and beauty.

Travel Tips

The best time to visit is the morning and evening, at the sunrise and sunset. They close it on Fridays for religious prayer purposes. You can also rent a guide to explore history and visit secret locations.

Complete Day Trip Itinerary to the Taj Mahal

  • Early Morning: Arrive when it’s still early to avoid the crowd.
  • Midday: Visit the main mausoleum and other multiple outlaying gardens.
  • Afternoon: Visit the nearby Agra Fort to steep oneself in more Mughal history.

Can’t-Miss Highlights

  • Main Mausoleum: Burial of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.
  • Gardens: Perfectly symmetrical, and.
  • Reflecting Pool: Provides an ageless view of the Taj Mahal.

Handy Travel Advice to Visit All Seven Wonders

Things that have to be brought before we touch the ground: Schedule your visit when the seasons are best to avoid extreme weather. Research entry requirements and local customs to help things go smoothly.

  • Visa requirements should be checked on time. Travel insurance is essential for coverage in unforeseen circumstances. Stay up-to-date on vaccinations and the recommendations for each destination.
  • Recommendations on How to Make Tourism Sustainable and Respectful
  • Follow the local regulations to reduce the impact on the environment—respect cultural practices and local communities by buying souvenirs from local artisans.

Suggestions for Travel Agencies and Conducted Tours

Choose travel agents whose business holds goodwill and excellent reviews. With guided tours, learn more and become interested in your journey.

In addition, by simply following this guide, you will plan a unique and memorable itinerary around the New Seven Wonders of the World. Each site offers a unique experience that quickly tells of human history and creativity. I wish you all great traveling!