There are many benefits of doing yoga at home. Yoga is an easy way to calm your mind, body, and soul. Yoga gives you health benefits both mentally and physically. You can stay feet through yoga. Doing yoga at home can help with weight loss, injury recovery, and flexibility.
1. Sukhasana

- In Dandasana, sit straight with your legs extended.
- Cross one of your legs over the other.
- Place your palms on your knees.
- Form Siddha Mudra
- Keep your spine straight
2. Naukasana

- To do Naukasana, sit down with your legs stretched out in front.
- Keep your spine straight and hands near your hips, bend your knees and lean back slightly.
- Now while inhaling, raise the legs alternately.
- Place the palms on the floor next to you.
- Keep the toes at eye level and lengthen the spine.
- Hold the asana for 5 to 10 seconds.
3. Marjariasana

- Place your knees on the mat, palms under the shoulders, and knees under the hips.
- Inhale, bend your spine to look up.
4. Tadasana

- For Tadasana, first, stand straight.
- Standing on the toes, move both hands up.
- Then by applying a finger lock, turn the toes of the hands upwards.
- Keep the palm facing the sky.
5. Surya Namaskar

- Surya Namaskar is made up of 12 yoga postures.
- To do this asana, first of all, stand straight with your face towards the sun.
- Then stand with the feet together and keep the waist straight.
- Then bring the hands near the chest and join both the palms to form a state of pranam.
- Standing in the first position, keep your hands raised above the head and then by taking the hands backward, bend the waist and do the position of pranam.
- Slowly exhale and while bending forward, touch the toes with your hands. During this, your head should be in contact with the knees.
- Breathe in slowly and extend the legs straight back. During this, the knee of the straight leg should meet the ground.
- Now bend the other leg from the knee and keep the palms straight on the ground.
- Now keep both hands and feet in a straight line and come to the animal up position.
- While breathing slowly, touch the chest, palms, knees, and feet with the ground. Now stay in this position and hold your breath.
- Now keeping the palms on the ground, tilt the head as far back as possible, while keeping the stomach on the ground.
- Breathe in slowly and extend the straight leg backward. Now bend the other leg at the knee and keep the palms straight on the ground. Keep your head towards the sky.
- Now bend forward and touch the toes with your hands. Your head should be at the knees at this time.
- Standing in the first position, raise your hands above the head and keep it straight. Now take the hands backward in the state of pranam and bend the waist backward.
- Stand straight facing the sun and join both the legs, keeping the waist straight. Now bring the hands near the chest and join both the palms to form a state of pranam.